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Guarding Your Valuables, Every Step of the Way!

PROTECTYOURGOODS aims to reduce property theft in Australia and eliminate the trade of stolen items. Owners can securely register their belongings, and anyone can perform a free search to check an item’s status before purchasing. Pawnbrokers and law enforcement can easily recover stolen goods with a click, providing key details. Enhance security by displaying our stickers, warning potential thieves that your property is protected. Future plans include retailer partnerships for automatic stock registration at sale and integration with online selling platforms, ensuring buyers can verify rightful ownership of listed items.

How It Works watch video

How It Works.

Whether you are a large corporation or a sole property occupier, property theft can have a heavy impact on your life. Registration of your goods provides a means of instantly identifying to a potential buyer or lender that the item should not be bought or accepted for hock.


Using our plaques and stickers signals to potential thieves that this isn't an ideal target for theft.
No need for engraving or marking.


Securely connect with authorities to retrieve your goods without revealing your personal information.
No personal info required for registration.


Focus on the essentials: choose a registered owner name and a regularly checked email for recovery alerts.
Fast, easy, and affordable registration.


Buyers can perform a free search to verify goods' legitimacy.
Renew registrations easily. When selling or giving something away, just log in and update for free.

... For More Information, Please find below the links to the articles.

Fraud Prevention.

Fraud / Illegal Conversion.

Both lessors and pawnbrokers are affected by the illegal sale and pawning of rented goods.
The chances of being adequately compensated for their losses on goods seized are low, and in some instances pawnbrokers are required to attend court as witnesses and provide statements to Police, all of which take time. A lot of Police time is taken up investigating and prosecuting cases where rented goods have been illegally sold or pawned. Interviews, statements, arrests, multiple attendances at pawnbrokers and court all take up valuable Police time. We have a genuine and working solution!

Lessors are often unaware that their goods have been sold or pawned, until after they have been forfeited following non redemption of a loan, and this may be a consequence of time critical requirements of the National Credit Code which must be met prior to the commencement of repossession activity. It is often the case that it is not discovered that goods have been sold or pawned until after repossession activities have begun.
Pawnbrokers purchase or provide loans against goods, believing they are unencumbered, usually without any physical marks or labels indicating the items are rented.
The question would be validly asked, “Would the lessor have granted the customer unsecured finance in the first place”? In most cases the answer would be No. Pawnbrokers have goods seized by Police in instances where it is established that items they have purchased or accepted as security for a loan are owned by a rental business/lessor.
Consumers who pawn or sell rented items make false declarations, effectively committing fraud offences, and are aware that they are committing an offence in pawning or selling goods that they do not own. Both pawnbrokers and rental businesses have exposure to losses as a result of illegal conversion of leased goods. Rental businesses often do not recover debts from people who have onsold goods or failed to redeem them from hock.

Sign In to Your Account

Please sign in to access your account and manage your registered goods.


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Phone number must contain 10 digits.
Email must end with ".gov.au"
Example :
  • @police.gov.au
  • @police.nsw.gov.au
  • @taskforcepolice.sa.gov.au
  • @pfes.nt.gov.au
  • @afp.gov.au


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Feel free to send us an email any time. We'd love to hear from you.






(+61) 400-066-639